1-888-871-8953 info@alaperfection.ca
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You’ve had French lessons in school a while ago (let’s be real, a long while ago). You wish you had paid better attention… You might even think that you are too old to learn a language now (nonsense!). You tried free, and maybe even paid, online programs or hired tutors to help you develop your language skills… without much result. As an autonomous and self-directed individual, you have no time to follow a pre-established course curriculum and besides, who has time to sit for 3 hours in those classes?! I believe I can help!


1-on-1 Private Sessions

Fun and challenging (not available at this time)

You are the centre of attention with our 1-on-1 coaching programs. Our personalized approach focuses on your needs and your goals, your timeline and specific situation.

FREE Goal Setting Master Class

A free training to help you achieve your goals

Let me show you an efficient way to learn French that will allow you to see results from the get-go. Join this 3-part master class, get clear on your goals and finally succeed at learning the French language!

Join the FREE training HERE

The Language Learning Success Companion

A Proven Tool to Turn your Goal into Reality
The LLSC is a planning and tracking tool to enhance your language learning journey and help you set clear goals, write down your success and reflect on your journey. Included with all of our coaching packages.